Installing and updating packages

Anaconda comes with a lot of scientific packages, however if you need an additional package or want to update one, you can use conda or pip.

Update Anaconda Distribution

Anaconda publishes updates to its whole distribution every few months. Start Anaconda Prompt and update then by

conda update conda
conda update anaconda

Installl new packages

Many packages are hosted on Anaconda Cloud, you can search there for a package and follow the install instructions.

Typically you can install a new package with the following command inside Anaconda Prompt:

conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow


pip install tensorflow

Conda vs pip


  • default python installer
  • has always up to date packages
  • usually maintained from the package owners
  • recomented for pure python packages


  • general purposed package manager
    • mainly used for python
  • some packages are outdated
  • recommented for libraries that have C++ dependencies (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, cython, numba, …)
    • These are well maintained from anaconda
    • numpy is usually faster when installed from conda